Friday, 26 July 2013

RESAAS reblasts App Featured on Appcelerator Titanium Blog

In a previous post I showcased the iOS and Android App that my team and I at RESAAS released in March, 2013 after only 2 months. The App was built using Appcelerator's Titanium cross-platform framework after we migrated from an older PhoneGap implementation. We chose to go with Titanium due to its (almost) write once run everywhere framework.

Once we released the App, the folks over at Appcelerator took notice of it and loved the look & feel of the App, specifically the photo heavy activity feed that showcases real estate professional's listings. They subsequently asked me to respond to a number of questions they had about our App for an upcoming blog post on their developer blog. 

The official RESAAS blog also has a couple posts about other features related to reblasts App:

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